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Adobe Max 2022 Highlights: Project Blink and Premiere Pro Updates

Jourdan Aldredge

Oct 20, 2022

Exciting news coming out of Adobe Max 2022 this year as Adobe continues to roll out the stops for easier, quicker, and smarter video editing technology. And don’t worry, just because some of these new updates might have some frighteningly smart AI aspects, no computers are coming to take your video editing jobs.

If anything, they’re just looking to make your work easier and less stressful.

Let’s take a look at all of the news and highlights from this year’s Adobe Max. We’ll focus on the news which should be most enticing to filmmakers, video professionals, and the wide array of editors and post-production supervisors who might benefit the most.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

Project Blink

One of the coolest features unveiled during the Adobe Sneaks portion of Adobe Max was Project Blink. Developed by Adobe Labs, Project Blink is a new video editing technology which uses AI analysis to give a word processing interface to video editing. In practice, this means you can use AI to recognize words, objects, or even people and emotion as a way to speed up your editing.

You can see some of Project Blink in action during the full video of the Adobe Sneaks program below. (Also, it’s quite fun to watch the celebrity hosts like Kevin Hart react to some of this future tech — which can be quite comically mind-blowing at times.)

With Blink in particular creators will be able to simply type words as a way to hone in on certain parts of a video where those words were spoken. You can also use this as a way to trim out unnecessary and filler words as well as search for terms like “happy” or “laughing” to find people with the right facial expressions.

This Project Blink (along with many of the other features showcased in the Adobe Sneaks session) reinforces Adobe’s focus on building out their AI feature set. With Adobe Sensei and other AI functions workflows are continuing to be revamped in the cloud. Any future-focused video editors would be wise to at the very least keep tabs on this technology, if not start experimenting with adding them to your own processes today.

Premiere Pro Updates

Along with some exciting new future tech, Adobe also announced several updates to Premiere Pro which go live this month. Titles and graphic workflows receive some greater support as well as Adobe has updated new foundational work for stability and performance with faster Motion Graphics templates and GPU-accelerated Lumetri scopes.

Here’s a full list of updates (with links to learn more):

For more news and updates on what’s coming to Premiere Pro you can read more here. And for more news from Adobe Max click here.